Texas Hospitals Unveil State and Federal Policy Priorities



Carrie Williams 
Chief Communications Officer 
512/465-1052 | [email protected]

(AUSTIN, Texas – Feb. 11, 2020)  – The Texas Hospital Association today announced its key public policy priorities for the year, with a special focus on ensuring quality care for patients and supporting a strong health care infrastructure for Texas. Priorities include:

  • Funding for health care programs to meet the needs of a growing population.
  • Protection from harmful payment or reimbursement reductions in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  • A fair and equitable system of financing hospital payments.
  • An increase in the number of Texans with affordable, comprehensive private health insurance.
  • Protecting the state’s rural hospital infrastructure.
  • Funding for behavioral health care that more closely matches the need for services, and policies that foster access to emergency psychiatric care.
  • Aligning policies for Medicare Advantage plans with those of traditional Medicare.

The priorities, announced in advance of the association’s annual conference this week, will serve as the framework for policy discussions and advocacy efforts, and will inform potential legislation at the state and federal levels.

“Healthy hospitals are the foundation for a healthier Texas,” said Ted Shaw, THA president/CEO. “We must be crystal clear about our priorities to help ensure hospitals are there for patients day and night, providing excellent care for the people of Texas.”

Texas has one of the country’s strongest economies, yet no other state has more residents without health insurance. Texas also leads the nation in rural hospital closures. On behalf of the nearly 500 hospitals and health systems it represents, THA strongly supports a health care infrastructure that provides financial stability, increases in health care coverage and a fair regulatory environment, so hospitals can deliver the best possible care.

Full versions of Texas hospitals’ 2020 state and federal policy priorities are available from www.tha.org.

About THA
Founded in 1930, the Texas Hospital Association is the leadership organization and principal advocate for the state’s hospitals and health care systems. Based in Austin, THA enhances its members’ abilities to improve accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of health care for all Texans. One of the largest hospital associations in the country, THA represents more than 85% of the state’s acute-care hospitals and health care systems, which employ some 400,000 health care professionals statewide. Learn more about THA at www.tha.org or follow THA on Twitter at http://twitter.com/texashospitals.