Quality and Patient Safety Programs


About Us:

Quality & Patient Safety is a division of the Texas Hospital Association Foundation, working to accelerate improvement in health care through collaboration and innovation. As a component of the Foundation and the Texas Hospital Association, we are able to work closely with hospitals and systems around the state to help in their quest to advance quality and patient safety in the care they provide.


Texas hospitals have intensified their commitment to quality and patient safety by working together – leveraging their collective experiences and dedication – to move the needle on health care delivery.

The Foundation has teamed up with numerous organizations and agencies to help implement innovative practices into care delivery while also offering a forum for hospitals and systems to share best practices and solutions. Currently, the Foundation is focusing on the following projects:

Emergency Preparedness 3-Part Webinar Recordings

Program Overview 

This program was designed for all hospital staff and will provide real-life examples on pandemic preparedness and response in healthcare, community focused preparedness, and a hands-on post-emergency evaluation to help identify improvements for future emergencies.

Click here for more information.

Resilient Manager’s Toolkit: 6 Weeks to Better Work, Life and Relationships Webinar Series

Program Overview 

This program was designed for frontline managers and consisted of six one-hour weekly facilitated sessions.  Utilizing a collaborative sprint format and subject matter experts, the content included strategies to promote resiliency for the frontline manager and provide support for the staff they supervise.    

Click here to access these previous recordings

Patient Safety Organization

The Texas Hospital Association Patient Safety Organization provides Texas hospitals a partner in their efforts to advance the continued improvement of health care quality and patient safety outcomes. …  Read more

Peer Review Network

Our Peer Review Network is designed to provide timely, cost-efficient medical peer reviews for Texas hospitals by providers in Texas hospitals. …Read more

Nuggets of Knowledge – Infection Prevention Series

THA’s Clinical and Quality Initiatives team, in collaboration with Infection Prevention Consultants of New Mexico, is pleased to offer a free educational series on infection prevention and control. From animals in health care facilities to antimicrobial resistance, these monthly sessions provide a wide range of information and best practices pertinent for hospitals to maintain high infection prevention standards.

Click here for Access to Past Recordings

Critical Access Hospital Quality Improvement

Surviving health care reform is a significant challenge for critical access hospitals in Texas. Several CAHs nationwide have had to close their doors in recent years due to the changing health care environment, and the survival of these facilities will depend highly on their ability to improve quality outcomes. A new initiative from the Texas Hospital Association Foundation in partnership with the Texas A&M Health Science Center Rural and Community Health Institute and funded by the Texas Department of Agriculture’s State Office of Rural Health will help CAHs do just that. …  Read more

Maternal Health Professionals

Newborn Screening

Hospital Level of Care Designations for Neonatal and Maternal Care

Wristband Standardization Initiative

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Contact Judi Trout at [email protected] or 512-465-1564

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