Flu Vaccination Resources


The flu never goes away. And with COVID-19 having faded into the background, precautionary measures like masking and social distancing – which decreased flu cases during the pandemic – have also decreased significantly, sending flu cases nationwide rising once again.

We encourage Texans to use the best defense at our disposal: the flu shot. While THA actively promotes flu vaccination among the public, we encourage member hospitals to use these resources to promote flu vaccination among their patients and communities.

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Digital Toolkit

THA’s digital messages make it easy for member hospitals to promote flu shots among their staff and patients.  

Social Media Messages that promote flu vaccination and other precautions to prevent disease spread. Download these messages / Spanish version.

image of a person with their sleeve pulled up, revealing a bandaid

Printable Posters for elevators, waiting rooms and patient rooms. Download the posters / Spanish version.

illustration of a flu shot needle inside a heart

Digital ads for your organization’s web page, newsletters and monitors and inpatient areas. Download the digital ads / Spanish version.

illustration of flu shot needles

Messaging and Resources

In addition to social media, THA is promoting flu shots through its various channels. The following is a sample of THA’s messaging this season. These items can serve as a resource for member hospitals to use and/or repurpose.

Research and Updates

Keeping up with the latest research and updates is critical to pushing the right information at the right time. The following are highlights from the public health and government sectors.

Research, Statistics and Clinical Updates