THA Retirement Plan
The Texas Hospital Association Retirement Plan is designed specifically to meet the employee retirement needs of hospitals and health care entities.
Get Your Free Plan Review
Texas hospitals have trusted the THA Retirement Plan professionals with their employees’ retirement assets since 1969. Our team manages more than $40 million in annual contributions, and more than 16,000 hospital and health care employees across Texas rely on the THA Retirement Plan for efficient, low-cost retirement planning.
In fact, it is one of the largest trade association-sponsored retirement programs in the United States. Some 1,400 hospital retirees currently enjoy monthly incomes through their THA Retirement Plan accounts.
THA is committed to helping Texas hospital employees pursue their retirement goals. After a thorough evaluation, we’re pleased to announce that our retirement plans will be administered by Empower, the second-largest retirement service firm in the U.S. Learn more or login to your Empower account here.
Why choose the THA Retirement Plan?
Low Administrative Fees
THA Retirement Plan works to keep our fees low, ensuring Texas hospitals a lower overall costs compared to other competitors.
Trusted Source for Outsourced Plan Administration
Many hospitals don’t have the capacity to build a team with the right expertise in house or the time and knowledge to evaluate the functions you currently outsource. With the THA Retirement Plan, rely on a trusted partner to help you relieve the internal burden while still providing the best retirement benefits for your hospital employees.
Reduced Hospital Liability
As a THA-member hospital or health care facility participating in the THA Retirement Plan, you can be confident your retirement accounts are soundly managed, well-diversified and secure.
Plans Tailored For Your Hospital
No two hospitals are alike. With the THA Retirement Plan, you have the option to customize any of our plans to work best for your needs and your hospital employees.
What does the THA Retirement Plan Offer?
Participants in the THA Retirement Plan can choose from the Master Trust and the THA Participant-Directed Retirement Plan. The goal is to help hospitals find the right fit that works for you.
The Master Trust provides trustee-directed investments that transfers the majority of the plan fiduciary liability from the hospital to the plan’s Board of Trustees, while giving hospitals peace of mind with outsourced compliance and communications.
The THA Participant-Directed Retirement Plan provides hospital employees greater flexibility to direct their investments.
Types of retirement plans offered
- Defined Benefit Plans
- Other Defined Contribution Plans
- 401(k) Plans
- 403(b) Plans
- 401(a) Plans
- 457(b) Plans
- Cash Balance Plans
- Executive Retirement Plans
- Physician Retirement Plans
More information about the THA Retirement Plan
Advantages of Participating in the THA Retirement Plan
Reduced Hospital Liability
Your hospital reduces its fiduciary exposure risk by transferring retirement plan management responsibilities and liabilities from the hospital’s staff and board to the THA Retirement Plan.
Oversight Management
The THA Board of Trustees appoints chief executive officers and executives of participating hospitals to oversee the operation of the THA Retirement Plan. The Texas Hospital Association works closely with several independent professionals to ensure that all THA Retirement Plan administrative and regulatory needs are met. This ensures good management and fiscal responsibility.
Exclusive Benefit
Sponsored by the Texas Hospital Association and offered only to employees of Texas hospitals, the THA Retirement Plan is one of the largest trade association-sponsored retirement programs in the United States.
Investment Performance
Superior long-term performance is achieved by taking prudent risks and careful adherence to investment policies and objectives.
Pooled Investments
The large asset base attracts high-quality investment talent at reduced costs that are shared by all participants in the THA Retirement Plan.
Common Administration
Bulk purchasing of external services for common operational needs results in lower costs for all participants
Customized Control
As a participant in the THA Retirement Plan, your hospital can customize your plan to meet the unique needs of your organization – whether it is a private or public facility. Our experts work directly with you to design a plan that provides meaningful retirement benefits for your employees.
Diversified Investments
Broad participation in different types of investments reduces volatility and risk, and provides stability during unfavorable economic conditions. A board of Successor Trustees oversees the management of the THA Retirement Plan through a group of nationally known investment managers. They carefully select and monitor fund investments in a diversified group stock, bond and mutual fund portfolios.
Retirement assets are held in trust funds operated for the exclusive benefit of participants and their beneficiaries, and protected from creditors under federal law.
Comprehensive Services
- Periodic reviews with each participating hospital ensure that investment, administrative and regulatory needs are fully met.
- Outsourced Retirement Plan administration & testing.
- THA Retirement Plan Board of Trustees focused exclusively on overseeing Retirement Plans.

Download the THA Retirement Plan brochure and contact Lea Anne Porter, vice president, retirement plans, at 512/465-1544 or [email protected].
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Contact the THA Retirement Plan
Lea Anne Porter, vice president, retirement plans, 512/465-1544