Management Team


The THA Retirement Plan relies on a broad team of professionals to oversee the plan’s operations. Our team of experts includes a Board of Successor Trustees that oversees the management of the THA Retirement Plan programs. In addition, the board selects well-established investment managers to manage the assets in diversified stock, bond and mutual fund portfolios. View organizational structure for PDRPSmall PDRP and Master Trust.

Texas Hospital Association

Austin, TX

THA has been the sponsor for the THA Retirement Plan since 1969. As the plan administrator, THA is responsible for administration of the THA Retirement Plan.

Successor Trustees 

An appointed board of hospital executives is responsible for investment oversight and overall management of the THA Retirement Plan.

Aon Inc.

Chicago, IL

Aon plc (NYSE:AON) is a leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement, and health solutions.

Aon Investments USA Inc. provides investment advisory and OCIO management solutions for institutional investors including endowments, foundations, healthcare organizations, defined benefit plans, and defined contribution plans. These solutions are designed to help employers, fiduciaries, and investment officers better manage risk and optimize results in a volatile market environment.

As a recognized authority, Aon Investments USA Inc. advises the THA Retirement Plan, THA Participant-Directed Retirement Plan, and THA Participant-Directed Retirement Program Group Trust on investment matters.

Milliman, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

In 2006, Milliman was chosen by Trustees as the third-party administrator to provide administrative, investment and technial support for the THA Participant Directed Retirement Program.

Jackson & Carter, PLLC

Austin, TX

This law firm provides assistance to the THA Retirement Plan on legal matters.

Rudd and Wisdom Inc.

Austin, TX

Rudd and Wisdom is a nationally recognized actuarial consulting firm headquartered in Austin and is the oldest actuarial consulting firm in the State of Texas, operating continuously since 1945. Rudd and Wisdom is responsible for providing a wide variety of consulting, administrative and technical support services to the THA Retirement Plan. Rudd and Wisdom is the actuary for the defined benefit plans in the Master Trust and recordkeeper for defined contribution plans participating in the “Trustee Directed” Master Trust and in a special “Participant Directed” Retirement Program for smaller defined contribution plans. They also provide consulting services to assist employers and their Boards in plan design and operation.

Schwab Trust Company

San Francisco, Calif.

Charles Schwab Trust Company acts as custodian and provides safekeeping and custody of the assets held under THA Participant Directed Retirement Program.

Northern Trust

Chicago, IL

As custodian for the THA Retirement Plan, Northern Trust’s primary responsibility is accounting and safekeeping of assets and benefits payor for the Master Trust.

Armanino, LLP

Austin, TX

This firm helps the THA Retirement Plan meet its accounting and audit responsibilities.

Investment Funds – Participant- Directed Program

Invesco Stable Value Trust

PIMCO Total Return Instl

PIMCO Real Return Instl

Vanguard Total Bond Mkt Index

Vanguard Balanced Index

Vanguard Institution Index Instl

Transamerica Mid Cap Value Opportunities

DFA US Small Cap Equity

Vanguard Mid Cap Index

Vanguard Small Cap Index

Dodge & Cox Intl Stock

Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index

Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index

Prudential Guaranteed Income

BlackRock LP Index Ret K

BlackRock LP Index 2025 K

BlackRock LP Index 2030 K

BlackRock LP Index 2035 K

BlackRock LP Index 2040 K

BlackRock LP Index 2045 K

BlackRock LP Index 2050 K

BlackRock LP Index 2055 K

BlackRock LP Index 2060 K

BlackRock LP Index 2065 K

Investment Managers – Master Trust Program

State Street Global Advisors

Boston, Mass.

Morgan Stanley Investment Management

New York, N.Y.

Vanguard Group

Valley Forge, Pa.

Dodge & Cox Investment Managers

San Francisco, Calif.


Newport Beach, Calif.