Nomination Period Now Open for Texas Hospital Awards

Now through March 31, THA members are encouraged to nominate leaders or teams from their hospital for one of five distinguished awards created for Texas hospitals.


Every year, the Texas Hospital Association recognizes the outstanding contributions made by health care leaders within Texas hospitals through annual merit awards. These awards are presented to winners during THA’s Annual Conference in September and celebrated across THA’s platforms.

THA members have until Monday, March 31, to submit their nominations and supporting documents for a 2025 award.

Nomination Process:

Step 1. Complete the nomination form for the respective award listed below;
Step 2. Attach up to up to 15 pages of supporting documents, including a one-page summary of the nominee’s professional achievements and contributions;
Step 3. Submit all completed materials by Monday, March 31, 2025.

Any questions regarding THA’s awards nominations should be directed to Sharon Beasley at [email protected].


Earl M. Collier Award for Distinguished Health Care Administrators

Earl M. Collier, L.L.D., FACHE
Earl M. Collier, L.L.D., FACHE

Established in 1965, the Collier Award was first presented to Earl M. Collier, LL.D., FACHE, a past THA president who served as CEO of Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene for 41 years. Collier is considered the dean of hospital administration in Texas. He was respected for his philosophy of improving patient care, the driving force behind his administrative acts and decisions. Because of Earl M. Collier’s dedication to his profession, the Collier Award has come to symbolize excellence in health care administration.

The Earl M. Collier Award for Distinguished Health Care Administration is the highest honor bestowed by the Texas Hospital Association. It recognizes outstanding executives who have distinguished themselves through their contributions to the health care industry and who are leaders in providing quality health care services and are active in THA and other industry groups. Recipients have set a standard of excellence in leadership, service and professional achievement that exemplifies THA’s commitment to the health care industry.
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2022 Earl M. Collier Award Winner: Christopher Durovich, FACHE, president and CEO of Children’s Health
2022 Earl M Collier Award Winner Christopher Durovich FACHE president and CEO of Childrens Health

Bill Aston Award for Quality

Bill Aston
Bill Aston

The late W.W. “Bill” Aston was an exemplary leader who worked tirelessly to improve health care for the people in his community. He served on the Baylor University Medical Center board for 25 years and on the board of Baylor Health Care System from 2005 to 2010. In 2010, THA established the Bill Aston Award for Quality through an endowment from Baylor Health Care System.

The Texas Hospital Association Bill Aston Award for Quality honors hospitals’ measurable success in improving quality and patient outcomes through the sustained implementation of a national and/or state evidence-based patient care initiative.
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Deaf Smith County Hospital District, Bill Aston 2023 Award Winner, Rural Hospital
Deaf Smith County Hospital District DSCHD was awarded THAs Bill Aston Award for Quality for its Community Paramedicine Program to deliver post hospitalization in home follow up care and monitoring
St. Luke’s Health Texas Division, Bill Aston 2023 Award Winner Non-Research Non-Teaching Hospital Health System
St Lukes Health was awarded THAs Bill Aston Award for Quality for its Sepsis mortality improvement program

Excellence in Community Service Award

THA created the Excellence in Community Service Award in 1995 to honor institutions that have distinguished themselves through contributions to their community. Contributions to the community will be evaluated by the nominee’s leadership and participation in beneficial, measurable programs that have provided a positive outcome in health status. Leadership and service may be exemplified by total community achievements or by highly visible individual programs.
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Texas Health Resources, Arlington was the 2022 winner THA's Excellence in Community Service Award
Texas Health Resources in Arlington was the winner of the 2022 Excellence in Community Service Award

Pioneer Award

Created by THA’s Rural Hospital Council, the Pioneer Award honors a rural hospital administrator or CEO who demonstrates creative and innovative leadership in the organization and community he or she serves. Every year since 2004, THA has honored one rural hospital CEO with the Pioneer Award, which is sponsored by the Texas Hospital Insurance Exchange.
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2022 Pioneer Award Winner: Jeff Barnhart, FACHE, CEO, Deaf Smith County Hospital District
2022 Pioneer Award Winner Jeff Barnhart FACHE CEO Deaf Smith County Hospital District

Legends Award

In 2016, the THA Board of Trustees identified a need to recognize retired health care leaders for their years of dedication and outstanding service to the health care industry. The Legends Award is a special award of merit given to those leaders who went above and beyond the call of duty for hospitals, patients and the health care industry throughout their careers. Honorees are retired hospital or health care system CEOs who served in Texas and have made significant contributions to THA and to the health care industry.
Learn more here >>

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Amy Rios Senior Director, Marketing Communications
Amy Rios is a seasoned marketing and communications professional with over a decade of experience writing for academic health care institutions, non-profit health care advocacy organizations, internal communications, and hospital associations.