CEO Messages

Tell Congress to Keep Our Safety Net Wide and Strong

Tell Congress to Keep Our Safety Net Wide and Strong

John HawkinsMay 23, 20234 min read
If there’s one theme you’ve seen me come back to in this column in the past year or so, it’s this one: Hospitals need help.
Vaccines Save Lives; Let’s Make Sure Texas Law Reflects That

Vaccines Save Lives; Let’s Make Sure Texas Law Reflects That

John HawkinsApr 20, 20234 min read
It wasn’t long ago that that overwhelming numbers of people across Texas and the nation – on all sides of the political spectrum – knew and acknowledged that vaccines prevent diseases.
Managing Myths: The Facts About Texas Hospitals

Managing Myths: The Facts About Texas Hospitals

John HawkinsMar 23, 20234 min read
An unfortunate reality in today’s world of fast-spreading information is, well, misinformation. With the internet and social media affording a potentially unvetted voice to just about everyone, misinformation is – ironically enough – a fact of life.
The Numbers Are In: Our Hospital Workforce Needs Serious Help

The Numbers Are In: Our Hospital Workforce Needs Serious Help

John HawkinsFeb 23, 20234 min read
A recent Texas Hospital Association workforce survey reinforces and quantifies one fact that’s become abundantly clear: Hospitals are facing a breaking point for their workforce.
Work to Do in Washington: THA’s Federal Priorities

Work to Do in Washington: THA’s Federal Priorities

John HawkinsJan 24, 20234 min read
Earlier this month, the Texas Legislature gaveled in its 88th session, and what’s going on at our state Capitol will occupy a great deal of hospitals’ attention for the next four-plus months. If you’re a conscientious health care provider who wants the best possible care environment for your facility, city and state, I’m sure you’ll be following along, too.
Hospitals are Vital to the Communities They Serve

Hospitals are Vital to the Communities They Serve

John HawkinsDec 22, 20224 min read
As the pandemic tapers off, the need for hospitals has not. With surges of respiratory illnesses inundating emergency departments, hospitals – and hospital workers – remain our most unwavering line of defense.
A “Tridemic” is a Scary Possibility

A “Tridemic” is a Scary Possibility

John HawkinsNov 18, 20224 min read
We’ve all heard about bad things coming in threes. It’s a superstition that has persisted across generations and cultures. Any time three catastrophes happen to fall on top of each other, some point to it as a product of that old adage. There’s no scientific evidence of its validity, of course.
When the Election Ends, Hospitals are Ready

When the Election Ends, Hospitals are Ready

John HawkinsOct 18, 20225 min read
For hospitals and the Texas Hospital Association, once Nov. 8 comes and goes, and the winners of state elections have been declared – including for all 181 seats in the Texas Legislature, as well as for governor and lieutenant governor – an important new phase in determining the future of Texas health care begins.
Time for More Progress on Knocking Down Roadblocks to Care

Time for More Progress on Knocking Down Roadblocks to Care

John HawkinsSep 21, 20225 min read
As health care continues to sit at the front of the public consciousness – as it has since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic – patients and providers alike continue to find themselves characters in a story as persistent as it is frustrating.
Behavioral Health: Top of Mind and Time for Change

Behavioral Health: Top of Mind and Time for Change

John HawkinsAug 18, 20224 min read
With no shortage of polarizing issues circulating in Texas right now, one thing is clear no matter your politics: Mental health is top of mind. The stress of an ongoing pandemic layered with racial tensions, school shootings, divisive abortion laws, and a turbulent economy have pushed behavioral health front and center.