CEO Messages

Repeal of 2024 Cuts Are a Needed First Step to Protect Our Safety Net

Repeal of 2024 Cuts Are a Needed First Step to Protect Our Safety Net

John HawkinsApr 23, 20243 min read
Every piece of financial certainty our hospitals can get these days is appreciated – especially for the facilities that treat the most vulnerable Texans. For the rest of this year, at least, our safety-net hospitals have a sense of certainty that’s been a long time coming.
Change Healthcare Breach is a Sobering Wakeup Call on Cybersecurity

Change Healthcare Breach is a Sobering Wakeup Call on Cybersecurity

John HawkinsMar 21, 20244 min read
It seems that every month, the threat becomes greater and greater for hospitals across the country: the possibility that bad actors can disrupt the hospital’s operations – or effectively bring them to a halt – without the offenders leaving their couch.
A Barrier Finally Torn Down: Extended Postpartum Medicaid Coverage

A Barrier Finally Torn Down: Extended Postpartum Medicaid Coverage

John HawkinsFeb 21, 20243 min read
Last month, our hospitals finally realized a major legislative goal when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Texas’ state plan amendment to extend postpartum Medicaid coverage for mothers to one year.
Our New Year’s Resolution: Set the Record Straight for Hospitals

Our New Year’s Resolution: Set the Record Straight for Hospitals

John HawkinsJan 23, 20243 min read
New Year’s resolutions are all about taking a step forward – improving yourself or something about the world around you, whether striving for big changes or more modest ones. Here at the Texas Hospital Association, our New Year’s resolution is an ambitious one: set the record straight and make sure the contentious year our hospitals faced in 2023 won’t be…
Hospitals Squelch Looming Trouble in COVID, Immigration Bills

Hospitals Squelch Looming Trouble in COVID, Immigration Bills

John HawkinsDec 19, 20234 min read
Like most people, we were hoping it was all over. But once again, we rose to make our case – and protected Texas hospitals and health care. Months after the 88th regular session of the Texas Legislature ended – successfully for health care on many fronts, thanks to fierce THA advocacy – Gov. Greg Abbott called for the third extra…
Rural Access is On the Ballot This November

Rural Access is On the Ballot This November

John HawkinsOct 24, 20233 min read
With no major federal or state offices up for grabs, it’s likely most people aren’t thinking of this as an election year. But in fact, it is – and for health care champions, there’s one issue on the ballot particularly worth your participation, one that could potentially shape Texas’ health care landscape for a long time to come.
Let COVID’s Resurgence Be a Reminder: Get the Shots You Need

Let COVID’s Resurgence Be a Reminder: Get the Shots You Need

John HawkinsSep 26, 20234 min read
COVID-19 is back. And while it may not become a public health emergency this time – knock on wood – its resurgence serves as a timely note of caution.
Hard Work Continues on Behalf of Rural Hospitals

Hard Work Continues on Behalf of Rural Hospitals

John HawkinsAug 23, 20234 min read
For some time, rural hospitals – the facilities in our state facing the greatest threat to their existence – have needed help. This year, in several key ways, the Texas Legislature provided a helping hand. But there remains work to do.
Hospitals Have New Hope to Regain Needed Personnel Power

Hospitals Have New Hope to Regain Needed Personnel Power

John HawkinsJul 25, 20234 min read
For years, hospitals here in Texas have been experiencing that opposite: We’ve been hurting as our personnel numbers have waned. But now – after a legislative session in which the Texas Hospital Association stressed workforce again and again – we’ve got the barbells, bands and machinery to regain much of our lost strength.
Hospitals Survived a Siege This Session, and Look Now to Prevent Another One

Hospitals Survived a Siege This Session, and Look Now to Prevent Another One

John HawkinsJun 25, 20234 min read
Defense wins championships, the age-old expression goes in sports. Politics is sport in and of itself, and THA had to play some serious defense during the just-concluded session of the Texas Legislature. Now, the work begins to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.