A magazine dedicated to the hospitals serving Texas.
NOV/DEC 2021
Published By Texas Hospitals Association
Articles from the November/December 2021 Issue
Texas Hospitals is the magazine of the Texas Hospital Association. Published six times per year, Texas Hospitals focuses on THA-member hospitals/health systems and the issues they face. From articles about innovative products and services to in-depth pieces on current issues and trends, Texas Hospitals provides relevant information health care executives can use to help their hospitals.
Featured Articles
A New Road to Travel
After 50 years in health care, THA’s Ted Shaw hangs up his suit coat.
After 45 years of service to Texas hospitals, Ollie Jo Bozeman, senior director of Governance and Executive Administration at the Texas Hospital Association, is preparing to retire.
Enhancing Hospital Operations and Performance Through Education
The Texas Hospital Association’s education team delivers continuing education to enhance hospital operations and performance. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the team faced several challenges to ensure hospital leaders have accessible educational opportunities.
When it comes to public health, the Texas Hospital Association walks the talk. This year, THA brought back the annual staff flu shot clinic. On Sept. 23, 2021, THA employees rolled up their sleeves to get their annual influenza vaccine.