Rural Hospital Members


Texas has 148 rural hospitals with unique needs and challenges. About 15% of Texas’ population is rural, including 586,000 rural Texans without health insurance. Compared with their urban counterparts, rural hospitals serve a larger proportion of older, uninsured, and publicly insured patients.


Preventing additional rural hospital closures and protecting rural hospitals’ ability to deliver high-quality care is critical now more than ever.

Learn more about THA’s rural advocacy efforts here.

From the Health Care Advocate
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Get Involved

THA’s Rural Hospital Council
The Rural Hospital Council serves as the voice of Texas rural hospitals, through which rural hospital members can address issues of specific concern to them. The RHC is a conduit of information to the Council on Policy Development regarding rural health care issues affecting rural hospital members.

Questions? Contact Al Goforth, THA member ambassador, at [email protected]

Spotlight on Rural Hospital Members

We recognize and appreciate the work of Texas’ rural hospitals and health care providers. Here are some of the many rural Texas hospitals that are making a difference in the communities they serve.

Further Reading

Kaufman Hall Report: The Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Texas Hospitals

Comments on CMS Proposed Rule on Conditions of Participation (CoP) for Rural Emergency Hospitals and Critical Access Hospital CoP Updates