Sample Social Media Toolkit
- Health Care Coverage for Texas Children
- Texas Leads the Nation in Uninsured Residents
- Health Insurance Improves Health Outcomes
- Rural Hospitals Need Health Care Coverage Expansion
- Texas Health Care Providers Support Health Care Coverage Expansion
- Animated Graphics
Thank you for partnering with the Texas Hospital Association to advocate for health care coverage expansion in Texas. Please use any of the images and message copy below to promote coverage on your organization’s social media channels. Be sure to use the #CoverTexans hashtag. Need additional resources? Visit tha.org/coverage for gifs, email signatures and the full zip file of all digital images.
You can tag THA in your posts on any of the following platforms.
Interested in adding your organization’s logo to any of the graphics? Contact THA’s Marketing and Communications team at [email protected].
Topic: Health Care Coverage for Texas Children
Facebook and Instagram Graphics:

Twitter and LinkedIn Graphics:

Spanish Graphics:

Sample Social Media Posts
Facebook or Instagram:
- Too many Texas children have lost access to health coverage. It’s time to expand coverage for Texans. Learn more about the statewide effort to cover Texans at https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Did you know Texas has the most uninsured children in America? Texas children deserve better. Learn more about the effort to cover Texans at https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Texas families and children need reliable health care. We need to cover Texans this session. Learn more at https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Texas leads the nation in both the number and percentage of residents without health insurance, often leaving children without coverage, too. Learn more about what Texas hospitals are doing to help cover Texans at https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Texas families and children deserve access to dependable health care. We need to #CoverTexans, including children. Learn more at https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Too many Texas children have lost access to #healthcare. It’s time to expand coverage. Learn more at www.tha.org/coverage. #CoverTexans #TxLege
- Did you know Texas has the most uninsured children of any state in America? Texas kids deserve better. Learn more about how the #TxLege can #CoverTexans at https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
Spanish Posts:
- Demasiados niños de Tejas han perdido acceso a la cobertura médica. Es hora de ampliar la cobertura para los tejanos. Obtenga más información sobre el esfuerzo estatal para cubrir a los tejanos en https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- ¿Sabía que Tejas tiene la mayor cantidad de niños sin seguro en Estados Unidos? Los niños de Tejas merecen algo mejor. Obtenga más información sobre el esfuerzo para cubrir a los texanos en https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Las familias y los niños de Tejas necesitan atención médica confiable. Necesitamos cubrir a los tejanos en esta temporada. Obtenga más información en https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Tejas lidera la nación tanto en número como en porcentaje de residentes sin seguro médico, lo que a menudo también deja a los niños sin cobertura. Obtenga más información sobre lo que están haciendo los hospitales de Texas para ayudar a cubrir a los texanos en https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
Topic: Texas Leads the Nation in Uninsured Residents
Graphic for Facebook and Instagram:

Graphic for Twitter and LinkedIn:

Spanish Graphics:

Sample Social Media Posts
Facebook or Instagram:
- Did you know Texas leads the nation both in the number and percentage of residents without health insurance? We can do better. Learn more: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Did you know conservative lawmakers in Texas have said that expanding Medicaid for poor working adults could save the state millions of dollars in the state budget? Stand with Texas hospitals to support coverage expansion now. Learn more: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Did you know Texas leads the nation both in the number and percentage of residents without health insurance? We can do better. Learn more: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage #CoverTexans #TxLege
- Conservative lawmakers in the #TxLege said that expanding Medicaid for poor working adults could save the state billions in the state budget. Stand with Texas hospitals to support coverage expansion now. Learn more: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage #CoverTexans
Spanish Posts:
- ¿Sabía que Tejas lidera la nación tanto en número como en porcentaje de residentes sin seguro médico? Podemos hacer mejor las cosas. Obtenga más información: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- ¿Sabía que los legisladores conservadores de Tejas han dicho que expandir Medicaid para adultos trabajadores pobres podría ahorrarle al estado millones de dólares en el presupuesto estatal? Póngase de lado de los hospitales de Tejas para apoyar la expansión de la cobertura. Obtenga más información: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
Topic: Health Insurance Improves Health Outcomes
Facebook and Instagram Graphics:

Twitter and LinkedIn Graphics:

Spanish Graphics:

Sample Social Media Posts
Facebook or Instagram:
- Having health insurance improves health outcomes and increases productivity. As Texas moves forward, so should expanded health care coverage. Now is the time to cover Texans. Get the facts here: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Losing your job should not mean losing access to crucial health care. Now is the time to cover Texans. Learn more here: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- It’s estimated that only one-third of Texans who lost their jobs will get Medicaid, with 40% eventually becoming uninsured. Texans need reliable access to health care. Learn more here: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- The effects of losing access to health care coverage impact everything. Get the facts about health care coverage expansion in Texas here: www.tha.org/coverage
- More Texans than ever are uninsured during a time when access to health care is more important than ever. Learn more about what Texas hospitals are doing to expand health care coverage: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Losing your job should not mean losing access to quality health care. Now is the time to ask the #Txlege to expand coverage and #CoverTexans. Learn more: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- More Texans are uninsured during a time when access to health care is more important than ever. Find out how coverage expansion can help #CoverTexans: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Access to comprehensive health care is an underpinning of Texans’ baseline health. Texans need health care coverage to stay healthy and productive. Learn how #TxLege can expand coverage and #CoverTexans: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- The effects of losing access to health care coverage impact everything. Get the facts about expanding health care to #CoverTexans here: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
Spanish Posts:
- Tener un seguro médico mejora los resultados de salud y aumenta la productividad. A medida que Tejas avanza, también debería expandirse la cobertura de atención médica. Ahora es el momento de cubrir a los tejanos. Obtenga los datos aquí: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Perder su trabajo no debería significar perder el acceso a una atención médica crucial. Ahora es el momento de cubrir a los tejanos. Obtenga más información aquí: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Se estima que sólo un tercio de los tejanos que perdieron sus trabajos obtendrán Medicaid, y el 40% eventualmente se quedará sin seguro. Los tejanos necesitan un acceso confiable a la atención médica. Obtenga más información aquí: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Los efectos de perder el acceso a la cobertura de salud impactan todo. Obtenga información sobre la expansión de la cobertura de atención médica en Texas aquí: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Más tejanos que nunca carecen de seguro durante una época en que el acceso a la atención médica es más importante que nunca. Obtenga más información sobre lo que están haciendo los hospitales de Texas para ampliar la cobertura de atención médica: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
Topic: Rural Hospitals Need Health Care Coverage Expansion
Graphic for Facebook and Instagram:

Graphic for Twitter and LinkedIn:

Spanish Graphic:

Sample Social Media Posts
Facebook or Instagram:
- More rural hospitals in Texas have closed than in any other state. Expanding health care coverage would protect rural hospitals and the Texans who depend on them. Read more: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Protecting access to health care for rural Texas communities is critical now more than ever. Find out how health care coverage expansion can help protect our state’s rural hospitals: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- More #rural hospitals in Texas have closed than in any other state. Coverage expansion would protect our rural hospitals and the Texans who depend on them. Read more about Texas hospitals’ effort to #CoverTexans here: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
- Protecting access to health care for #rural Texas is critical now more than ever. Find out how coverage expansion can help protect our state’s rural hospitals by helping #CoverTexans: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage
Spanish Posts:
- Se han cerrado más hospitales rurales en Texas que en cualquier otro estado. La expansión de la cobertura de atención médica protegería a los hospitales rurales y a los tejanos que dependen de ellos. Leer más: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
- Proteger el acceso a la atención médica para las comunidades rurales de Texas es fundamental ahora más que nunca. Descubra cómo la expansión de la cobertura de atención médica puede ayudar a proteger los hospitales rurales de nuestro estado: https://wwww.tha.org/coverage.
Topic: Texas Health Care Providers Support Health Care Coverage Expansion
Graphic for Facebook and Instagram:

Graphic for Twitter and LinkedIn:

Spanish Graphics:

Sample Social Media Posts
Facebook or Instagram:
- Health care coverage expansion is supported by many, particularly our state’s hospitals and health care providers. Find out why by visiting https://www.tha.org/coverage
- The hospitals and health care workers that our state depend on support health care coverage expansion because it ensures their patients get the care they need when they need it. Learn more at https://www.tha.org/coverage
- For the women and men who provide health care services each day, health care coverage is a straightforward issue. Comprehensive coverage means access to timely, medically necessary care–what Texans need to stay healthy and productive. Learn more at https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Health care coverage expansion is supported by many, particularly our state’s hospitals and health care providers. Find out why health care professionals support the effort to #CoverTexans here: https://www.tha.org/coverage
- It’s important that patients get the care they need when they need it, which is why hospitals and health care providers support health care coverage expansion. Get the facts about expanding health care to #CoverTexans here: https://www.tha.org/coverage
- For the women and men who provide health care services, health care coverage is a straightforward issue. Comprehensive coverage means access to timely, medically necessary care–what Texans need to stay healthy & productive. Learn more: https://www.tha.org/coverage #CoverTexans
Spanish Posts:
- La expansión de la cobertura de atención médica cuenta con el apoyo de muchos, en particular los hospitales y proveedores de atención médica de nuestro estado. Descubra por qué visitando https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Los hospitales y trabajadores de la salud de los que depende nuestro estado apoyan la expansión de la cobertura de atención médica porque asegura que sus pacientes reciban la atención que necesitan cuando la necesitan. Obtenga más información en https://www.tha.org/coverage.
- Para las mujeres y los hombres que brindan servicios de atención médica todos los días, la cobertura de atención médica es un tema sencillo. La cobertura integral significa acceso a la atención médica oportuna y necesaria, lo que los pacientes necesitan para mantenerse saludables y productivos. Obtenga más información en https://www.tha.org/coverage.
Animated Graphics