Articles by Texas Hospital Association
January 8, 2024
4 min read
Hospitals in Action
Laying the Groundwork for 2025 In 2024, Texas hospital CEOs need to be engaged with THA like never before. A series of bills with devastating implications for hospitals found traction in the Texas Legislature’s 2023 regular session. These proposals included attempts to ban all hospital outpatient payments and institute government rate-setting. And, while none of them passed, the concepts at… December 18, 2023
2 min read
2025 Texas Hospital Communicators Summit
Mark your calendars for Jan. 30-31, 2025. You are invited to join the Texas Hospital Association for an in-person Texas hospital communications summit to be held in Austin at THA headquarters. Texas Hospital Communicators SummitJan. 30-31, 2025THA Headquarters1108 Lavaca St.Austin, Texas The event includes two half-day sessions filled with engaging speakers, panel discussions, and networking and collaboration! During the event,… December 13, 2023
3 min read
THA, TNA Release New Toolkit to Help Hospitals Prevent Workplace Violence
Following the passage earlier this year of two crucial new laws to address and prevent workplace violence in health care settings, hospitals and nurses in Texas have partnered to launch a new workplace violence prevention toolkit to guide hospitals in implementing those laws. The toolkit, released today by the Texas Hospital Association and the Texas Nurses Association, puts legal analysis,… December 7, 2023
7 min read
Show and Tell: Hosting a Lawmaker at Your Hospital
It’s one thing to tell a lawmaker what your hospital – and others – need from policymakers in order to thrive. It’s another thing entirely to show them. While getting in touch with legislators at their offices is a key part of being a hospital advocate, hosting lawmakers at your facility – offering them an up-close look at your day-to-day… December 5, 2023
2 min read
Houston Methodist and US Acute Care Solutions Partner for Emergency Medicine Services
Providing high-quality patient care is at the center of every decision we make at US Acute Care Solutions (USACS). For this reason, we purposely look to create long term partnerships with non-profit health systems which focus on excellence and high-quality patient care. When the opportunity arose for USACS to partner with Houston Methodist, we jumped at the chance. In just… November 21, 2023
4 min read
Build a Model of Recurring Revenue with CCM
More than 631 rural hospitals, including 76 in Texas, are at risk of closing because of financial hardship. And they’re not alone–many urban or suburban health systems also struggle with revenue shortages. Medicare has created multiple value-based care programs to generate revenue for providers and practices. Out of these, Chronic Care Management has consistently emerged as one of the most… November 7, 2023
4 min read
Money Attracts But Fails to Retain New Physicians
A joint study from the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) and Jackson Physician Search found physicians who completed training in the last six years stayed in their first jobs for an average of just two years – a number significantly lower than the average first-job tenure reported by physician respondents of all ages. This study, conducted in the fall of… October 10, 2023
5 min read
Contingency Fee Agreements May Be the Right Prescription
The Texas economy is robust, and both private and public hospitals are expanding. The 88th Legislature saw more than $2.5 billion dedicated to replacing and renovating public hospitals across the state. In Central Texas, one private health care system recently announced the investment of nearly a billion dollars in new construction and expansion of existing facilities. Texas institutions are stepping… October 3, 2023
4 min read
Addressing The Surge of Texas Data Breach Rates
This article is sponsored by Cynerio. Texas Targeted by HackersIn recent years the health care industry has become the primary target for cybercriminals. Fueled by valuable patient data, lagging security practices and an increasing willingness to pay ransoms, attackers have found high value, low effort targets throughout the United States. Unfortunately, Texas is not immune to the efforts of hackers.… September 29, 2023
1 min read