The Texas Hospital Association’s strength is in its broad-based grassroots involvement. Under the leadership of the THA Board of Trustees, a network of committees and councils provides invaluable input to the association on topical issues and policy positions from their particular vantage point. They also provide unmatched opportunities to network and exchange information and ideas among peers who share similar areas of work responsibility or interests.

Learn about the various THA councils and committees:
THA Board of Trustees
The THA Board of Trustees reviews and establishes policy and is the association’s legal authority. The board comprises 30 members:
- Five officers: chair, chair-elect, immediate past chair, secretary and THA President/CEO;
- 23 hospital/health system executives and health care professionals including at least one physician and one nurse;
- The chair of the Texas Healthcare Trustees; and
- The chair and vice chair of the THA Council on Policy Development.
Council on Policy Development
The Council on Policy Development provides THA members with an arena for the discussion and debate of issues and resolution of policy positions. The COPD plays a key role in developing legislative and regulatory public policy recommendations to address issues of interest or concern. Its 54 voting members are elected by the THA Board of Trustees to three-year terms, and provide broad input from all sectors of the association’s membership. Voting members include:
- 37 hospital/health system executives;
- 3 emerging leaders in hospital administration;
- 3 physicians;
- 3 attorneys;
- 3 chief financial officers;
- 3 chief nursing officers; and
- 2 hospital trustees.
Chair of THA policy councils and policy committees serve as ex-officio COPD members.
Contact Jennifer Banda at 512/465-1046.
Hospital Physician Executives
The Hospital Physician Executive Group is a forum for physician executives employed by Texas Hospital Association-member hospitals or hospital systems to:
- Organize and engage the most knowledgeable and dedicated hospital physician executives in patient safety and quality in member hospitals.
- Aid in the development of policies related to medical practice as requested by the Council on Policy Development.
- Discuss current issues and developments that impact the delivery of health care services, including clinical integration, hospital-physician relationships, patient safety and quality improvement.
- Offer their knowledge and expertise in the delivery of health care services to assist THA in the development or presentation of public policy positions and educational programs or communications to THA members.
- Provide educational opportunities and communications to the membership through meetings, educational workshops and publications.
- Develop or promote projects that can affect the safety, quality, cost or transparency of health care services and enlist other medical leaders to promote those projects statewide.
- Provide a collegial opportunity for physicians in executive positions to network and discuss public policy positions or projects that can improve the delivery of health care services and outcomes.
Contact Matt Turner at 512/465-1056.
Behavioral Health Council
The Behavioral Health Council provides a conduit between THA-member behavioral health hospitals and the THA Board of Trustees and Council on Policy Development. The council focuses attention on issues impacting this industry segment, including hosting an annual fall conference for behavioral health hospitals and service providers.
Contact Sara González at 512/465-1596.
Quality and Patient Safety Council
The Quality and Patient Safety Council addresses ongoing opportunities to improve clinical quality, workforce and patient safety of health care in Texas hospitals and develops proposed policy positions for the Council on Policy Development and the THA Board of Trustees. The Council also advises the THA Board of Trustees and staff on the clinical leadership perspective to advance the quality and accountability agenda as it relates to patient care and safety.
- Quality of care, disease management and patient safety;
- Quantifiable standards for clinical quality and outcomes;
- Principles for the collection and reporting of patient safety/quality care data; and
- Hospital data collection and reporting activities.
Contact Sara González at 512/465-1596.
Rural Hospital Council
The Rural Hospital Council serves as the voice of Texas rural hospitals, through which rural hospital members can address issues of specific concern to them. The RHC is a conduit of information to the Council on Policy Development regarding rural health care issues affecting rural hospital members.
Contact Al Goforth at 806/252-7820.
Communications Council
The THA Communications Council focuses on developing and implementing proactive strategies to assist THA and its member hospitals in communicating with the media and public on for key hospital/health issues and public policy goals. The council also serves as an important network of hospital contacts with local media outlets across Texas.
Contact Carrie Williams at 512/465-1052.
Emerging Leadership Forum
The Emerging Leadership Forum is designed to give emerging hospital leaders an opportunity to network, gain THA leadership experience and grow in their understanding of policy issues. The goal of the ELF is to provide opportunities for mentoring and leadership to ensure the advancement of members to future leadership roles within the industry and association.
Contact Corey Cotton at 214/537-4098.
Policy Committee on Hospital Contracting and Payment
The THA Policy Committee on Hospital Contracting and Payment studies public policy issues relating to hospital billing and collections with governmental and private payers and the review and payment of hospital services. The committee makes recommendations on policy positions to the Council on Policy Development and the THA Board of Trustees.
Contact Sara González at 512/465-1596.
Policy Committee on Hospital Reimbursement
The THA Policy Committee on Hospital Reimbursement coordinates with other THA policy committees to study issues related to hospital reimbursement. The committee offers recommendations for action to the Council on Policy Development and the THA Board of Trustees.
Contact Anna Stelter at 512/465-1556.