THA Testimony from the 2019-2020 Interim


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Carrie Kroll, THA’s vice president of advocacy, quality & public health, testified before the Texas Public Health Committee on March 10 on Texas hospitals’ preparedness and response to COVID-19 as well as concerns about testing capability, PPE, staffing and financial support.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Donna Boatright, CEO, Rolling Plains Memorial Hospital in Sweetwater, and Brent Kaziny, medical director of emergency management and emergency center attending physician, Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, testified before the Texas House Public Health Committee on March 10 on rural and children’s hospitals preparedness and response to COVID-19 as well as concerns.

Monday, Dec. 9, 2019

John Hawkins, senior vice president of government relations for the Texas Hospital Association, testified Dec. 9 before the Texas Senate Health & Human Services Committee on the importance of the Medicaid 1115 Waiver for Texas’ health care safety net.

Monday, Nov. 11, 2019

Steve Wohleb, J.D., senior vice president and general counsel for the Texas Hospital Association, testified Nov. 11 before the Texas House Human Services Committee on hospitals’ role to protect children from abuse and neglect.