Agenda, West Texas Cybersecurity Workshop


Oct. 18, 2022
McInturff Conference Center at UMC Health System
602 Indiana Ave., Lubbock, Texas


Prior to the workshop, read ahead materials and brief cyber survey will be provided to attendees.

9 – 9:30 a.m.

Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Overview of Cyber Threat Landscape Panel – the FBI and the AHA
Joint presentation with John Riggi and local FBI representative

  • Learn from the FBI cyber program leaders about the criminal and national security cyber threats they are investigating on a global, national, and regional level.
  • Learn how best to work with the FBI and other government agencies, prior, during and post cyber incident.
  • The FBI will also discuss and distinguish their non-regulatory role in the investigation of cyber incidents and how they work with DHS, CISA, HHS and other national security agencies.
  • Learn what hospitals and healthcare systems on a national level are saying to their trusted AHA cyber advisor about their biggest cybersecurity threats challenges.
  • Learn how the AHA is helping the field mitigate those threats and exchange information with the FBI and other government agencies.

10:30 – 10:40 a.m.


10:40 – 11:20 a.m.

Leadership Perspectives: Cybersecurity Best Practices and Challenges from Large Systems to Small Hospitals: Systems and Small Hospitals
Moderated by John Riggi

  • Jeremy Walker, VP and CFO, Hendrick Health
  • Russell Tippin, President and CEO, Medical Center Health System
  • Marion Bruce, CEO, Muenster Hospital District

11:20 am – Noon

Cyber Risk as Enterprise Risk + Ransomware Preparedness and Response
Moderated presentation and discussion with attendees and previous panelists

  • John Riggi will present national perspective on ransomware attacks based upon direct interaction and discussion with victim organization and government agencies.
  • Discuss how cyber risk translates into enterprise risk issues with direct implications to revenue, reputation, care delivery and patient safety.
  • Learn how your organization may be carrying hidden strategic cyber risk through third party relationships.
  • Discuss cyber enterprise risk communication and risk mitigation strategies with your non- technical peers and leadership.
  • Exchange ideas to assist in creating an organizational culture of cybersecurity and facilitate cyber resource requests between technical and non-technical leadership

Noon – 1 pm


  • Networking and open discussion

1 – 2:30 pm

Cyber Table-top Exercise

John Riggi will moderate and actively engage all attendees in a group critical thinking and strategic leadership cyber incident exercise. The session is designed to be highly interactive and is based upon real world complex and multi-faceted cyber and risk incidents. It is designed for both technical and non-technical leaders and structured to test incident response plans, identify gaps and elicit strategic decision-making skills under simulated adversarial conditions. John will directly solicit responses from the audience at all key decision points.

2:30 – 3 pm

Wrap-up, lessons learned and discussion on additional areas of focus

What changes will you and your organization make to improve cybersecurity as result of what you have learned in this workshop?