With nearly 290 designated trauma hospitals that provide lifesaving care daily, Texas has one of the strongest and most effective trauma care systems in the nation. Dedicated state funding has supported the creation of Texas’ trauma system, and Texas hospitals support continued state funding so the state’s trauma care network can continue to meet the needs of the rapidly growing population. The Texas Hospital Association is tracking and will help educate the Texas Legislature in its effort to:
- Review revenue sources currently funding the state’s trauma system and the impact of declining revenues and balances in General Revenue – Dedicated accounts. Evaluate the impact of statutory changes affecting trauma system funding, including efforts to eliminate the Driver Responsibility Program. Examine ways to ensure sustainability of the trauma system in Texas. Senate Finance Committee
Carrie Kroll, vice president of advocacy, quality and public health, 512/465-1043
Cameron Duncan, III, J.D., assistant general counsel, 512/465-1539
Sharon Beasley, legal manager, 512/465-1030